Monday, March 05, 2012

A Letter to San Blas

Dear San Blas,

We were quite sad to sail away from you yesterday, just when we were getting so well acquainted. Thanks so much for your hospitality, for the way you fold the marina and the cruising sailors into the middle of your little city, and welcome us with warm indifference.

You must be aware that your dramatic history and the ruins of your old buildings lend you an air of romance and faded glory. We admire how little you have tarted up your heritage, and how your current activities swirl around the ruins and embrace them.

Now, I don't think you are purposely playing hard to get, but I do think you are use the ploy of ignoring your visiting suitors to great effect. This thrills the heart of a gringo, who longs to be treated like any other customer at the vegetable stand or hardware store.

Truth be told, I think you are a sleeping beauty, with your lush mangroves, sleepy streets, incredible birds. Some might say that you have too many bugs, to many of those nasty no-see-ems, but I think it's rude to bring up those shortcomings. And it doesn't hurt that you sit among such beautiful surroundings, with Mantanchén Bay and the mountains as your backdrop. You might be a plain jane, without wealth or flash, but you are my current favorite.

Hasta luego, San Blas. I'll be back.


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