
You can't play a good game of scrabble without a big honking dictionary. Negotiation and compromise don't cut it.
Cooking and eating good food is a great glue in a marriage. As Greg Brown puts it: "When the kitchen is happy, love has a chance". Ditto for the galley.
Good luck and hard work are a great combination. So are downwind sailing and time to go slow.
It's about time that we all have a wonderful picture of the both of you on your seafaring travels. Happy 40th! A great picture. I agree with your comments about the kitchen and the glue to marraige. Very true. Erica and I celebrated our 17th this year. Bryant is a year away from highschool and Lesley is starting the 6th grade. Time does go by quickly. I am looking forward to seeing the next picture of the both of you on your 50th. I hope to be in Oregon for a few days in November. Perhap we will cross paths. Be safe.
I agree.. fantastic picture! Happy happy belated anniversary.
Holy $h!#, 40 years. CONGRATS!!!
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