Friday, July 25, 2008

The Great Tide Pool

With four people on board during our last week in Barkley Sound, we reached expeditionary force. This was important, because we wanted to make an assault on the Great Tide Pool, one of those destinations that seems important if for no other reason than its name. This is a strange area of shoreline on the exposed south shore of Wouwer Island, at the west side of the Broken Group Islands. High rocks ring a low tidal basin; the surrounding rocks deliver rising and falling tide in rushing streams. Given the surf and current, there is no easy way to enter by boat, and we had yet to find a trail.
So traveling with our flotilla of small boats - kayak and dinghy - we covered the four miles from our anchorage, then forged a trail from a safe beach landing up and over rocks into the Great Tide Pool. Once inside, we poked into small and large tide pools, and spent an inordinate amount of time watching the waves slither in and out throuh the outer ring of rocks. A great expedition.


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