Saturday, June 09, 2007

Storm Hole

Storm Hole, originally uploaded by macatay.

We are anchored in an excellent storm hole. Yesterday morning we listened to the VHF radio weather updates, and took seriously the forecast of storm force winds coming our way. So we altered plans, and skedaddled inland to this anchorage at Clatse Bay, a fiord-like indent into Roscoe Inlet, with mountains all around. Although the barometer has plummeted, we have experienced only rain, clouds, and winds less than five knots. The radio tells us that not too far away there are seas of 3-4 meters, and winds up to 35 knots. As we wait out the storm, we have been busy exploring the shore, where we found amazing wildflowers. We are also diligently studying up on weather forecasting. At last count, we had downloaded five weather faxes, three email weather files, and read chapters in four books. If we've had time to do all that, this has been an excellent storm hole indeed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks like you are "just over the hill" from Ocean Falls, an amazing little town with only water and air access but has some big modern houses, apartments, cars and trucks.

It is trying to become a fishing destination.


June 11, 2007 3:12 PM  

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